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In the U.S. alone, over 2.7 million people travel daily around the country , according to the FAA. In addition to the the “work” it actually takes to prep for a trip, travelers have to deal with time changes when they arrive. If you’re crossing at least two times zones, you may be affected by jet lag.

Whether you’re traveling from coast to coast or even internationally, here are some tips that can help you get acclimated to your new surroundings.

- Try to adjust to your destination’s schedule before you travel.

A few days before your trip set your bedtime schedule a littler earlier, if you’re flying from the west to east coast. Vice versa if you’re traveling from east to west. This will ease your body into the new sleep schedule instead of it being a shock when you arrive.

- Skip alcohol and caffeine on the plane.

Having that cocktail may make you drowsy and help you sleep on the plane. However, alcohol and caffeine will dehydrate you and affect your sleep later. Opt for water with some lemon.

- Avoid napping when you arrive.

As tempting as it is, taking a snooze might make it more difficult to fall asleep at night in the new time zone. Instead of a nap, take a leisurely walk around and explore your new surroundings.

- Try to arrive earlier in the day.

If your schedule and travel budget permits, arrive in the morning or mid-day. This will make you get in-step with the local time. Go about your regular day as if you are at home.

- Create a sleep-inducing environment in your hotel room.

You may have a beautiful view from your room, but at night be sure to draw the drapes to block out any lights (and sound) from the outside. Adjust the thermostat to a lower temperature that makes the room cooler. A dark and cool room will signal to your body that it’s time to get some zzz’s.