(** Before starting any exercise program, be sure to consult with your Doctor.) 

The fitness industry is a "gazillion dollar" business. Whether it's the gym/clubs, the clothing, the merch, the apps, it shows no sign of slowing down. Everyone (at some point) in their life made a vow to get in shape. Whether that vow was followed...... is another story.

With summer vacations, days at the beach and outdoor parties, it's safe to say that most people make more of an effort to get fit. Putting on your workout clothes at the crack of dawn to exercise is more than getting lean muscles. MUCH MORE. You're actually creating a health trifecta: BODY - MIND - SPIRIT.


The obvious: exercise helps control weight, can boost HDL (the "good" cholesterol), help manage Type 2 diabetes and several other diseases. The more you move the more your body is able to deliver needed oxygen and nutrients. You don't have to be a gym rat to get these benefits. Even a 20-minute brisk walk every day can make a difference.


Stressed out? It's not unusual to reach for a munchie when we feel overwhelmed. Instead, go running with a friend or catch a yoga class after work. Exercise releases endorphins and serotonins that can decrease stress and improve your mood. This stimulation can also help brain health and function.


Going to a group class, whether it's yoga, spinning, or dance, gets you motivated to stick to your fitness goals. When you see others challenging themselves to hold that plank just a little bit longer or dancing like no one's watching, you realize "Ya, I got this!" You feel more confident and that positive energy spills over into other areas of your life.

Yes, you got this!! Pull on those on-fleek leggings, grab your water, stretch and get moving.

Remember, you are investing in your health...investing in YOU: BODY - MIND -  SPIRIT!